Saturday, December 1, 2012

About Ramona

I always had a passion to be an Independent person  and have a business of my own. Not just any business but one I could work from home with. But I was not a crafty kind of person.

 Can't draw a straight line with a ruler. 
Don't have patience to sew on a sewing machine.
Don't like to bake cakes or cupcakes. So what exactly can I do?

You see, I always was a laborer.
Working for different companies just seemed a lot easier to do. You clock in, do your job, clock out and go home. Yup!!! that was pretty simple. I could do that...

But, as years flew by. Working for someone else was just not on my interest list anymore. I was working long hours and stressful days.
All the while they were making ALL the money and I was getting left over "Crumbs".

Then the Internet arose!!!

Well, at first I couldn't do that either! I didn't know how to use email or what this contraption of machinery was that searched around the world.

So I took a chance, set a goal and told myself this is what I'm going to use ( my computer) to start a business!

 Every day I would sit in front of my computer for hours reading, exploring, learning and utilized everything that was on the Internet that I could. 12-14 hour days were nothing for this deep desire.

It took me a few years to learn about this wonderful World Wide experience. But I was determined to learn as much as I could.

Starting off I made many, MANY  mistakes.
Some days I thought, I should just give it up,  because this just isn't for me. I can't do this.  I can't do anything!!!

It took me some time to realize. The reason I couldn't do anything is because when things went wrong I would just give up.

That's it! I'm finished! I'm bored! I don't have patience for this!

But this time, things were different.

I kept going back...
I kept on struggling...
I didn't give up....

Guess what?

I started a couple  of businesses!

I am officially an:
 "Internet- Network Marketing, Small Business Entrepreneur".
Oh Yeah,  "I got this"!!....and,  I'm kinda  good at it!

Here  is one  of my Businesses that I am passionate about. This is my "LiL' baby and I do mean baby. Because my kids are grown and have taken my Grand kids out of State. So you see, this really is my "LiL' baby and I got all day to PLAY... 
Yaaaaay me!!!

1) Rainbow Souffle for Problem Skin

 Rainbow Souffle is a wonderful Body scrub that is made of Dead Sea Salt. I fell in love with this scrub and started telling my friends about it. So many of them wanted a tube that I just started selling it and delivering to there homes.
Rainbow Souffle Dead Sea Salt Body scrub is truly more than just a scrub. It has helped my friends, customers and myself with certain skin problems, rosacea acne, excema, psoriasis and more.  

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